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How Do I Deceive Thee? Let Me Count The Ways…

Yep. Eventually the question had to be asked. Of the the opposition led by Leni Robredo. This deception has been going on since 1983 and has not ended since then.

It started off with the Aquino assassinate-me plot, the ouster of Marcos in 1986, the assumption of Cory Aquino to the Presidency, the adoption of the 1987 Constitution, the return of the pre-martial law political structure, the “election” of Ramos as President, the ouster of Erap as President, the destabilization plots against GMA, the “win” of Noynoy Aquino in 2016, the ouster of Chief Justice Renato Corona and the “victory” of Leni Robredo over Bongbong Marcos in 2016.

Despite these events, the opposition claims they are the “good ones.” Think about it. Robredo junks the color Yellow in favor of Pink. She runs as an independent while continuing to be the Chair of the Liberal Party. She touts her “achievements” as Vice-President even if they are only scaleable at the LGU level at best. Her office functions as a donation broker between the private sector, the NGOs and the poor who she refers to as the “laylayan,” which she claims as her primary constituency.

The Liberals are also in bed with the front organizations of the CPP-NPA-NDF, notably the Makabayan Bloc. They are also allied with the anti-Duterte oligarchs and pro-US agents operating in the country such as former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario and cohorts in his “think-tank” Stratbase-ADR and online media platforms such as Rappler and Vera Files, both recipients of grants from the known CIA-front National Endowment for Democracy and the Open Society Foundation of George Soros. The NED does not distinguish from leftist-militant human rights NGOs as these organizations have also received grants from the NED.

Historically, the Liberal Party has sold out the country to the Americans on a regular basis. Prior to independence in 1946, it pushed for the passage of an amendment to the 1935 Constitution granting the Americans parity rights, in exchange for war reparations. Think of how Manuel Roxas betrayed his own country to become the first President of the newly-independent Philippine Republic.

Ninoy Aquino, as a newly-elected Senator in 1967, torpedoed the plan of Marcos to take back Sabah by force when he exposed Oplan Merdeka in the Senate. In 1968, he urged Jose Maria Sison to form the Communist Party of the Philippines out of the remnants of the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. He also instigated the Muslim secessionist movement by urging Nur Misuari to form the Moro National Liberation Front to act as the smokescreen for Marcos to drop the Sabah claim which was an urgent issue then after the British granted Malaysia independence in 1963. Ninoy arranged the funding of the MNLF by Malaysia through his close friend, the Sultan of Johor. Aquino’s goal was to destabilize the Marcos administration for him to run for President in 1973 or to oust Marcos before the next election cycle.

It is very clear that the Liberal Party has been the bane and the curse of the Filipino people. It has been the main stumbling block in the country’s drive to progress and prosperity with its servile attitude to America and the leftist-militant groups in the country.

In the past week, the Robredo campaign has been busy shifting the narrative by discrediting the surveys which have the Marcos-Duterte ticket leading all their rivals. The goal is to shift the momentum to their side by creating the illusion that Robredo is fast catching up with Marcos. They are laying the predicate for the justification of electoral fraud or claiming the occurrence of the same if the election is to become a close race between Marcos and Robredo again as in 2016.

It is for the same reason that attendance at their rally’s are being projected to be record-breaking and Google Search Trend’s being used as a replacement for the more scientific surveys. The same is true with social media analytics where they claim that Robredo is also “leading” in social media engagements. This is no different from the playbook they used from 1983 to 1986. The assumption then was Marcos would fall within a year because he was seriously ill. But it took a failed coup attempt by the Enrile-Honasan bloc to set into motion scenario which would favor the US and Cory Aquino.

Notice how the Marcos’ have reconciled with Enrile and Honasan but never with Fidel Ramos. The reason why this is so is because Ramos facilitated the single event of 1983 which turned the people against Marcos at the instigation of the US together with the Aquino family.

The only time the Philippines can be truly progressive is when whatever remains of the Liberal Party , the leftist-militant front organizations of the CPP-NPA-NDF and the CPP-NPA-NDF and all its enablers are finally pushed out of power by the people.

Collectively, the opposition and its followers appear to be afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder. Think of how they continue to exist in their own ecosystem, inside their echo chambers and silos, constantly reinforcing their belief that they represent the good while their “enemies” represent the evil in society.

They are also gaslighting the Filipinos into submission.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality.1 Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity.
Gaslighting primarily occurs in romantic relationships, but it’s not uncommon for it to occur in controlling friendships or among family members as well. People who gaslight others may have mental health disorders, such as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or borderline personality disorder (BPD). They use this type of emotional abuse to exert power over others in order to manipulate friends, family members, or even co-workers.

The Marcos’ are not perfect. As F. Sionil Jose said, it is not up to history to judge the Marcos’ but the Filipino people. The opposition is pulling out all the stops to prevent a Marcos return to Malcanan. The victors are the ones who write history and the opposition thought that they put the final nail in the Marcos’ coffin in 1986. But history did not end there.

In The Kingmaker, the Iron Butterfly is quoted as saying “Perception is real and the truth is not.” The opposition is selling the public the perception that they are the good to the Marcos’ evil. But evidently what sticks out as the Marcos’ middle finger to the opposition is what they left behind after their ignominious ouster from power. The opposition did nothing during the thirty years they were in power. Leni Robredo no Imelda Marcos who can get things done. In her case, the truth is real and the perception is not.

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