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Elephants in the Room

What the fcuk happened overnight? There’s a Presidential candidate who’s a cocaine user? Who? Why not name names? Such is the nature of politics anywhere. There’s always a proverbial secret that’s just waiting to be outed. American campaign managers invest a lot in opposition research. This prevents surprises about their principals and gives them ammunition against their opponents.

It used to be before the internet that Manila was described as a small town where rumors spread like wildfire. Hell even Apo Lakay made rumor-mongering a crime during his time. It’s a known fact that Pinoys are chismoso and chismosa. No such thing as a rumor which doesn’t have basis in this town. But with the advent of the internet, the Philippines has become small town.

We have no clue what goes on in the mind of the President. We can only surmise. His latest claim is indicative of how badly he wants to test the mettle of those he has a political axe to grind with. It’s obvious who he’s referring to. But this is the mind of a dark empath that we’re dealing with here. A dark empath is a narcissist’s worst nightmare. He’s the only one who can break a narcissist. Why? A dark empath is the worst kind of person you could ever meet because he has the dark triad of traits; Machiavellianism, narcissm and psychopathy. The goal here is to see what the reaction of the target or targets are.

As human beings, we all have our dark side. It can be psychopathic or it can be fetishes or weird behavior. There are a lot more psychopaths out there than before. This is the result of the change in values which social media has brought about. Nowadays, it’s not all about hard achievements. Even the illusion will suffice. Fake it until you make it is now the norm rather than exception. Isn’t this too close to “it doesn’t have to be true, it just needs to look like it.”?

There is this Vice-President who’s having an affair with a married man. Are they still in the relationship five years after? What of the President who’s penis was only 3 inches long when erect? What of the gay Senators in the past who were actually married before they partially got out of the closet and indulged in their passion for young men? The President who had an affair and had his only son with a separated socialite? The lawmaker who’s a shabu addict? The Manila Mayor who died in the arms of a beautiful actress after his final climax? The President who married his best friend’s mistress in exchange for political power? The Presidential candidate who cross-dressed in New York when he was working there as an investment banker? We can go on and on about elephants in the room and talk about them for years on end but what of it?

The opposition should approach this carefully because they also have their own elephants in the room. The old Jewish saying, “what goes around, comes around” is very much applicable in this scenario. At the end of the day, it’s still the people who decide who they’re going to vote for. This is why it’s imperative that Filipinos finally learn that elections are also about issues and not popularity alone.

Political pragmatism dictates that there is no such thing as good and evil but only the lesser of two evils. The opposition can’t claim the administration is evil but the administration itself can’t claim that they’re all good. At the end of the day, we’re all pawns who vote for who we think should best lead us. Truth be told, our leaders have been selling us out for the longest time. Some more, some less. We have to see through this and decide from whom we can get the maximum benefit from.

This is why another Jewish saying becomes operative in this context; “Persons who live in glass houses, should not throw stones.”

The candidate in question needs to step up to the plate and show what he’s made of. While his other mentor has passed away, the older and more experienced one is still around. He should put himself under the tutelage of the nonagenarian who’s one of the best President’s this country has never had. The only man who’s qualified to head all three branches of government.

The Candidate has to keep his eyes on the ball and remember what Johh Patrick Mason said in The Rock;

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